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Polished Golden Yellow Pebbles 1" - 2"
Polished Golden Yellow Pebbles 1" - 2"
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Gold Polished Pebbles 1"- 2" 50 Lb Bag

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$34.99 will be added for each palletized or bagged material
Price Per 50 Pounds $63.99
Inflation Fighter Sale $49.99
Savings: $14.00
Special Instructions: Hand quarried beach stone
Custom Field 2: No experience needed for excellent results.
Custom Field 3: One day or less for most projects. Figure 3 Man Hours per ton for a finished project.
Custom Field 4: Contractor grade wheelbarrow, sod roller, hand tools, garden hose
Custom Field 5: Weed control fabric, wood, steel or plastic edging

Free Shipping
Availability:: Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Product Code: 198PB1X2

Description Technical Specs Extended Information
Gold Polished Pebbles 1" - 2" 50 Lb Bag

When ordering use the Purchase Order function at checkout and enter ROCK as your payment method. This will allow you to create an order for a firm transportation quote without having to pay for it at this time. While we have posted transport rates, in many circumstances, we are able to ship the order to you for less. You will be given a firm cost on the whole order within a few minutes to a few hours.
  • The square foot coverage per ton of gravel will vary slightly with the surface and designs of the project, waste etc. will affect area coverage. The information is based on average ton and cubic yard amounts. This decorative building stone has naturally occurring colors and shade variations. These are what gives this stone the natural beauty and uniqueness that causes its appeal. Color tones change can sometimes occur with aging or maintenance practices of the location it is installed at therefore exact matching of existing stone may not always occur. During processing or transportation dust will adhere to the rocks and change its appearance on arrival but we guarantee all stone to be true to the specific brand name, type and size ordered or complete exchange including transportation costs will be made.
    After installation is completed the rock should be rinsed off to show the natural beauty and character.

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